Sunday, 27 April 2008

AS Essay 'Still life'

The essay is really about looking at some contemporary approaches to still life photography which are often more minimal than still life photography would have been in say the Victorian era- and to consider why these photographers photograph the things they do, or in the way that they do it.
Many 'still life' photographs are images of things found or discarded; incidental details of things as- they- are rather than things that have carefully been set up, lit and where consideration has been give to composition, etc. They are often concerned with giving significance to something insignificant (Just by being photographed  the object becomes significant) or by transforming one thing to another by making things look like (either actually or through association) something else.
References.(google some of these)  Sian Bonnell (,Martin Parr, Tim Head( - look at his work in the 1980's category) Anthony Hernandez, Richard Wentworth. Gabriel Orozco, Peter Fischli and David Weiss, Nigel Shafran

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